I am romantic and charming, kind and smart.I appreciate beauty and harmony in everything.
I know how to make my beloved man happy, but before this he should open his heart to me.... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Eugenia de Kiev
My family and friends consider me the most cheerful person in the world.
My main features are that I am very cheerful and kind. To the intended goal, though in small steps, but I ... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Snezhana de Одесса
I am not a model or superstar who needs money and golden mountains)) I want to be sincere with you from the first lines. Yes, with YOU who is reading my profile now)) I am kind, ro... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Ekaterina de Sumy
I am ready to support my friends and family and my man in everything.
I am very sincere person. I think that I am mature lady. I know that I am young but mature. I am clever... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Kseniya de Odesa
I can say that I have seen a lot in this world and in this life. And I like it for sure. I am the one who never forgets about the sense of humour, who is punctual and to some exten... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Tatiana de Kiev