I know I might not be the youngest nor the most handsome or even the most muscular man in the world but I have an abundance of romantic bones with a mixture of love and caring just looking for the right girl to share them with. May I ask you one thing, is it better to be taken for granted by a younger man who doesn’t appreciate your finer beauty or tires of you quickly or to have a slightly older man who realises what he has and relishes the value of your needs and companionship.
Description de la personne idéale:
Well I couldn't say really! I think to love is all I would ask.
I need a girl who will come and live in England with me and will pay her own traviling cost and I will take care of her living costs when she lives with me????
I know I might not be the youngest nor the most handsome or even the most muscular man in the world but I have an abundance of romantic bones with a mixture of love and caring just looking for the right girl to share them with. May I ask you one thing, is it better to be taken for granted by a younger man who doesn’t appreciate your finer beauty or tires of you quickly or to have a slightly older man who realises what he has and relishes the value of your needs and companionship.
Description de la personne idéale:
Well I couldn't say really! I think to love is all I would ask.
I need a girl who will come and live in England with me and will pay her own traviling cost and I will take care of her living costs when she lives with me????